Saturday, 18 October 2014

The end of my holidays

Sadly the two weeks of fall holidays are already over. I just went back to school to reorganise my classroom (it was thoroughly cleaned while there was no school). It was rather frustrating because they left a lot of chaos and they didn't put in enough tables and chairs so it might be a bit of a hassle next week.

I didn't go away this time - the kids were each away for a week and I had the other one at home. Most of the time that was a good thing, we had more time to talk, to go on little excursion for a day, to cook and to watch films together. But sometimes it was also quite a struggle. It's hard to keep them away from their iPads, without the structure of school they tend to spend far too much time glued in front of their screens. Also they are definitely turning into teenagers with all the "lovely" traits that come along with it.

I hope the next 9 weeks till christmas won't be too stressful. It's usually an intense time with little light and lots of rain and fog. We always have a big school party right before christmas which means more work and little concentration for the mundane stuff like French or Maths and all the students are really tired right before the end of the year.

I'll try not to fall into the stress trap, find little moments for myself and try to breath deeply.


  1. Mal wieder wunderbare Fotos :)

    1. Vielen Dank. Am Dienstag war für mich ganz überrraschend so schönes Wetter. Wir sind erst über den Damm und den Steg spaziert und dann mit dem Schiff von Rappi bis nach Zürich gefahren. Ein wirklich schöner Ausflug.

  2. I hope you are not stressed either! Fingers crossed for a serene few weeks coming your way. Love the photos!

  3. Thank you Karen, I'll do my best to stay calm.

  4. Oh please don't become too stressed out, remember that you have yarn therapy, it's a secret weapon against stress!

    1. I'll give my best. Usually it works well for the first few weeks and then it gets tough for the last few years.
