Saturday 20 October 2018


Quite spontaneously I decided that I didn't want to spend my sick leave on the sofa (I had to have an operation before the fall holidays and luckily everything went well and I feel fine) Instead I checked out airports that are within a two hour radius, in a place I'd never been before and with an affordable flight. I stumbled upon Naples and it didn't take long to make up my mind and book two flights.

We splurged on front row seats which gave us speedy boarding (I felt so weird boarding first) and quite a bit of leg room. After less than two hours we touched down in Italy (fortunately we didn't actually fly to Nepal which is what Yannick was expecting - I have no idea what they teach those kids in Geography ;-)

We were picked up by our B&B hostess at the airport and learnt right away that traffic rules are for tourists. In Naples nobody follows them, nobody don't wear seat belts, traffic lights are mostly ignored, you just have to dive into the middle of the cars to cross the street and it's totally common for four people to be on the same tiny vespa, everybody without helmets.

I found getting around quite tiring but also very interesting. The contrast between the run down houses, the badly kept up streets, the garbage and on the other hand all these amazing super old buildings was stunning.

It was also much warmer than I expected, it felt like another bit of summer with high temperatures up to 30 degrees. We took it slowly and had lots of down time in your B&B room and quite a few coffees and ice creams in between.

We stayed for two nights in Naples, then we left for four nights the Sorrento Coast and came back afterwards for one more day in Naples because our flight back left super early the next day. I am so glad that I felt confident enough to go away, it was so worth it.

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