Sunday, 13 September 2015

Weekend in Tschiertschen

Sometimes life is stressy and sometimes all the pieces just fall into place. This happened to me last week. I was really tired from a great start at school. (It's really going well but it's soo intense at the same time that I often feel close to empty batteries)

Then last Tuesday I liked (again) some lovely sunrise photos taken from my favourite hotel in the Swiss mountains on facebook. I think I wrote that I wished I were there and it only took a few moments before I'd been offered a room, made up my mind and booked a bed for two nights.

On Friday it all seemed like a very ambitious idea, not ideal when I was really tired from a day at school. Nevertheless I packed my backpack (it was actually almost empty ;-), took the train to Chur and then the postauto to Tschiertschen and there it was so obvious that this had been exactly the right thing to do.

I didn't do a lot on Friday evening apart from eating dinner and some knitting but I made hiking plans for Saturday. The weather forecast was neither too good nor too bad but once I woke up and saw the sun rise over the mountains it looked much better than I expected.

 At first I'd wanted to go all by myself, but then I started out with another guest which worked out really well. We kind of started far too quickly and were out of breath and close to collapsing (at least me) after about 20 minutes, but after a break and a hot tea we paced ourselves and found a comfortable rhythmn. We met a lot of bikers, a couple of cows and found lots of blueberries and a few enzian. We went all the way up to the Churer Joch at 2020 m. a. S. which meant that we'd done a bit more than 600 meters of altitude. It was beautiful at the top, quite windy but still nice to be outside.

The way down took longer than expected, especially because we had to go back up again, but everything was fine. It was great to wash off the sweat back at the hotel and enjoy more time on the balcony of the Gürgaletsch. And in the evening I tried to understand as much Dutch as possible (I was the only Swiss guest all weekend) and I finished my Atlas (FO entry coming soon ;-) before I fell into bed.

This morning was already my last one. I was up for the sunrise again (seen from the bath ;-) and I had a bit of time left before I had to head back to the lowland. I only spent about 36 hours in the mountains, but I feel all refreshed and ready for school again.


  1. What an amazing spontaneous adventure! Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures!

    1. thank YOU for always reading my blog and leaving so many kind comments.
      It was totally worth going and I have to remember to do stuff like this more often.

  2. Great to read your blog about your hike up to the summit of the Joch peak and nice to have met you in Tschiertschen at Wanderhotel Gürgaletsch.

    1. Thank you, Kees. It was such a beautiful day to go all the way to the top. I wished I could have stayed longer and joined you for a hike as well.

  3. oh wow, what a stunning day, it looks like it was a wonderful hike!

    1. It made me realise that it isn't always necessary to go really far.

  4. Thank you for sharing such a lovely adventure with us. I have always dreamed of going to Swizterland.

    1. It's interesting to see what other people have on their dreamlist of countries to travel to. I often forget how lovely Switzerland is and only dream of going far away when it is indeed really beautiful quite close by. Thanks for reminding me!
